Welcome to the Early Learning Center (Nursery – Grade 2)

Welcome to Brent International School Manila Early Learning Center!

Our Brent School mission statement suggests that educational programs and processes involve students developing a high standard of academic excellence, a strong character founded on Christian values, and an international or global perspective. These high expectations for our students are achievable because Brent approaches school from a community perspective. Our Chapel theme for this 2024-2025 school year, “Practice Gratitude”, provides us with additional motivation to strive towards becoming the individuals, citizens and leaders that makes Brent International School Manila unique.

We encourage you to read the Lower School Academic Program to know more of our curriculum from Nursery to Grade 5. Our academic program puts emphasis on the development of reading and writing skills in our students to equip them well in their core subjects, which also further enhances their listening and speaking skills. On the other hand, the special subjects provide students with a rich assortment of arts offerings, sports, values and spiritual growth.

You will also find here on our webpages our Student-Parent Handbook. As we grow as a school in the global scholastic environment we belong to, we look at best practices that will further enhance the learning experience of our students in the ELC and LS. These programs and practices are fundamentally what make Brent International School Manila the place to be.

We trust that our website provides you with most of the information you will need. Please check in regularly to see our weekly newsletter that comes out every Friday.

For admission or application inquiries, please visit our Admissions page or email admissionssecretary@brent.edu.ph.

Again, welcome to Brent! If we may be of any further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact any of us in the ELC or LS Offices.

Michelle Jingco

Lower School Principal